Modernfold Chicago hosted a 5-hour educational seminar presented by David Dodge of McKEON.

Mr. Dodge, VP of Business & Code Development, specifically focused on the Five Walls of the IBC, their openings and opening protectives. The discussion was not limited to conventional systems and code acceptance.  It also covered vertical spaces, atriums and the acceptance criteria behind applications of smoke and fire rated curtain assemblies.

Ryan Tague and Ryan Watson, representing our local distributor, rallied a great attendance both virtually and in-person. Forty-six in-person students participated along with seventy more virtually. All engaged for a great day of food and building code instruction.

Attendees from the architectural community received 5 AIA HSW CEUs. Regulatory officials received commensurate credit units from ICC for participating.

Interested in attending one of our Continuing Education presentations? You can request a course here.